Hey ya'll, I'm assuming if your coming this site; you know me. I could be wrong and if that is the case, let me introduce myself to you! My name is Laurie and I am a Stay-at-home-mom, and a VERY proud Army Wife! I have been married for 5 years and my husband and I have a 3 year old daughter and a 4 year old son (our dog Homer!). My husband is an NCO in the Army and is currently deployed for the 3rd time. This deployment, by some craziness of mine or I dont know ... I am the FRG leader for our company. What that means is I am the leader for our Family Readiness Group which helps support the family members left at home while our wonderful soldiers are fighting overseas. I take great pride in the Job that the Lord has brought before me. It is something I've been wanting to do for a while and He is definately giving me the capabilities to do so!
So I've tried the whole blog thing before and I'll do really good for a while then slack off. (It seems like that is a common thread in my life with multiple things ... Lord Help me with that!). So I am back on the "Bandwagon" as another friend mentioned about her blogging. :) I want this blog to be a true and complete reflection of me ... my journey! And while I"m waiting ... waiting for perfection, waiting for His blessings, waiting for the glory of God to rain down on me ... You can hear about all the other stuff going on in my life.
There are so many things going on in my life right now. I'm not going to go into detail on one of them, but it does require lots of prayer and I would greatly appreciate your prayers for this situation if you could. But I'm trying to become healthier, working out and create an overall healthy well-being. As well as my journey, there is the journey I am helping create with Karsten. I would love to be able to raise a God fearing young lady that's main desire and goal in life is to please Lord, any suggestions on how to do that? :)
Well to end this ... I was looking on a previous blog of mine and found that the last thing I typed on it was this .... "I've been thinking on Gods will lately, timing, purpose, etc. We have to focus on what HE wants, not us. He sees the big picture, knows what is best for us and what will serve his purpose ultimately. I just think we all should probably try to focus on THAT more than what our own agendas call for no matter how "Christian" you are, I know we all fall short on that aspect of it sometimes. Increase your faith and you will increase your blessings by the One that provides us with everything we need!" What a great reminder ... TO ME ... with everything that has been going on in my life recently. I need to focus on Gods purpose, His will and his plans for our lives. Amazing how God can bring something back up as a little reminder for ya! God is Good!
Big Family Food and Fun: March 2-8, 2025
2 days ago
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