So today was the big ol' Aerobic-Thon at the gym on Post. Its when you go to the gym and experience every single class they have to offer right after the other. When I woke up this morning I had decided to not go because I didnt want to use the free hours of ChildCare for this and not be able to go later in the week. Well it started at 9am alright ... We got out of bed at 9am! We both got dressed and ate and I made a snack for me then we headed out the door. Look at this awesome snack ... so delicious!!!
I got there at 945 and started stretching with everyone. The first class ... BELLY DANCING!! Oh my gosh, how hysterical it was to see everyone try to belly dance, even old men that were there! That is definately a work out but I dont think I would ever do it again in public! Too embarrassing I think!
The next set of classes, was a type of dance thing then a class called beat it (another dance type class) where she played all Micheal Jackson music! Step and then a type of Zumba class then another Zumba class and Yoga! It was such a great day, I never thought that 1. I'd be able to do any type of classes becuase I dont think I'm coordinated enough and 2. That I would be able to go that long doing classes! I exercised for over 2 hours today and I feel great!
So the point of this whole post ... go out and exercise!! You will feel amazing, I promise! It might suck buckets while your doing it but afterwards ... WOW ... God fills with you an incredible feeling! God is Good!
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