Definately need to do that here .. Its been F-O-R-E-V-E-R since I posted something! Well obviously from the last post you know that my hubby came home ... He got to spend some good time with the kids and they both loved it so much! It was really good to have him home for the little time ... I'm really excited to see what the Lord has planned for us in the next 7-8 months. The Lord has definately been moving in my life lately, too much to really discuss but Just want to send major Kudos to the Good Lord!!! He totally rocks and is about to blow my mind I can feel it!
So I started my Internship for my Masters Degree finally! Its been about 5 years since I finished my classes. Right before the Hubs came home I sent out my resume to MWR here on Post and the day the boss got it, he emailed me and said YES! ... No interview or anything he just said come on in so we can talk logistics! So I officially started March 1st, after trying to find Karsten day care, find financial aid and register ... all of which definately succeeded because of God!
Its been going pretty well, really slow for the first week and a half. My supervisor hurt his back the weekend before I started and was out the whole first week, back the second Monday but moving very slow ... You could pray for him to be healed, he is still really sore and in a lot of pain. But slowly but surely I am learning and getting more responsibilities. The frustrations come in when I dont have access to a laptop at work (Interns are not authorized to have a government computer). So when I am not able to use a computer there, that happens to be free at the moment, I have myself another project to work on that wont need a computer too much ... yet at least! I'm really excited to see where God is going to be leading me once this is done. There is "talk" of the main boss over our department wanting to hire in the next few months and lets pray that is the truth because I've been searching for a job here for about 5 years!
Well, I seem to be asking for quite a bit of prayer in this post .. but you can keep them coming! I found out sometime early last year that I had PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). Its a whole complex condition that most doctors dont even really know about yet because its so vague yet complex and very difficult to diagnose. Anyways, I'm learning more and more about it right now, trying to figure out how I can become healthier once and for all ... its very hard for me to get healthy though because of the PCOS ... thats the thing, it requires you to do certain things but makes it very hard to do it! All of the information is very interesting but I could sure use some prayer about that too!
Okay, I'll end this for now. I was going to add something else but my mind really isnt working right now! Working full-time (while not getting paid for it) and being a full-time mommy and a Full-time Army Wife is really making me a little tired! Thanks for stopping by! I hope to be more current in this now that I started again! Peace and Goodnight!
Big Family Food and Fun: March 2-8, 2025
2 days ago
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